Quotes: they and they said it

Our collection of the best quotes on communication, advertising and the Internet. Get inspired!

  • “You can fool everyone once, some often, but you can't fool everyone all the time. » Abraham Lincoln
  • “The easiest way to destroy a brand is to put your name everywhere. » Al Ries and Laura Ries, Marketing Consultants
  • “A brand must seek to appropriate a word in the minds of consumers. » Al Ries and Laura Ries, Marketing Consultants
  • “Any refusal to communicate is an attempt to communicate. »Albert Camus, writer
  • “The quality of our communication is determined not by how we say things, but by how they are understood. » Andrew Grove, American engineer. He co-founded Intel in 1968. He was Chairman of the group from 1979 to 2004.
  • " Internet. We don't know what we're looking for, but we find everything we're not looking for. » Anne Roumanoff, comedian
  • “Write something worth reading or do something worth writing about” Benjamin Franklin, American politician
  • “Between what I think, what I want to say, what I think I say, what I said, what you want to hear, what you hear and what you understand, it may be that we have difficulties to communicate, but try anyway! »Bernard Werber, writer
  • “The magic is in the product. William (Bill) Bernbach, Founder of DDB
  • “The best advertisement is a satisfied customer. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.
  • “If we look forward to the next century, leaders will be those who value others. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.
  • "Communication requires 25% of a leader's time" Chester Barnard, management and organization theorist, in The Functions of Executive.
  • “We hunt down preconceived ideas (convention), which are then undermined by disruptive ideas (disruption), and this with a pre-established idea of ​​where we want to go far (vision). » Jean-Marie Dru – publicist and President of the communication agency TBWA
  • “What you say is more important than how you say it. » David Ogilvy, publicist
  • “I don't know if you're telling the truth or not, but you make people believe you. » Dom Juan, Moliere
  • “Web 2.0 has generalized the principle of filtering by social network and proximity of taste. » Dominique Cardon, sociologist
  • “In communication, the most complicated thing is neither the message nor the technique, but the receiver. » Dominique Wolton in Hermès La revue N°48, « Forgotten roots of communication sciences »
  • “Receivers complicate communication. Information bumps into the face of the other. We dreamed of the global village, we are rediscovering the Tower of Babel. »Dominique Wolton
  • “In a nutshell, information is the message, while communication is the much more complex relationship. »Dominique Wolton
  • “The challenge is less to share what we have in common than to learn to manage the differences that separate us. »Dominique Wolton
  • “If you have the tone, you have everything. » Emil Cioran, Romanian philosopher
  • “All words are tools. No more no less. Communication tools. Like cars. Technical tools, useful tools. What an idea to worship them as gods! » Erik Orsenna, writer
  • “The word 'dog' has never bitten anyone. » Ferdinand de Saussure, linguist
  • “Language is a treasure deposited by the practice of speech in subjects belonging to the same community, a grammatical system existing virtually in each brain, or more exactly, in the brains of a group of individuals; for language is not complete in any, it only exists perfectly in the mass. » Ferdinand de Saussure, linguist
  • “True eloquence consists in saying all the right things and saying only what is necessary. " François de La Rochefoucauld
  • “Talking is the ugliest means of communication. Man expresses himself fully only through his silences. » Frédéric Dard, writer
  • “Any fuzzy lens is bound to lead to very precise bullshit. » Frédéric Dard, writer
  • « Humor is the shortest way from one man to another. » Georges Wolinski, draftsman
  • “The social network is the new production line. Ginni Rometty, IBM Group Managing Director
  • “We are in a hurry to build a telegraph from Maine to Texas, but it is possible that Maine and Texas have nothing important to communicate to each other. » Henry David Thoreau, American philosopher, writer and poet. He observed the creation of the telegraph and the emergence of the industrial revolution. It is said that he is the first “ecological” author
  • “Crowdsourcing is using people's free time to create content, solve problems, and even do R&D. » Hubert Guillaud, editor-in-chief of InternetActu.net
  • “Between what we seek to express, what we manage to express and what people understand, the mode of communication is more of the Arabic telephone than of photocopying”. Isabelle Alonso, French writer and columnist.
  • “Language, before signifying something, signifies for someone. » Jacques Lacan, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
  • “Paradoxical rule of communication: a large number are reached by the elite. » Jacques Séguéla, publicist
  • “Today's communication comes from the guts, not the neurons. » Jacques Séguéla, publicist
  • “Tomorrow's communications will require many more computer-cores than computers. » Jacques Séguéla, publicist
  • “Communication is about understanding the listener. » John Abraham
  • “Communication is a difficult science. It's not an exact science. It is learned and cultivated » Jean-Luc Lagardère, businessman and media
  • “We are not born brand, we become it gradually, we can also stop being it. » Jean-Noël Kapferer, trademark expert
  • “Technology does not create social ties, but technology can provide conditions that mean that by reclaiming it, we create social ties. » Joël de Rosnay, scientist, futurist and French writer
  • “The Internet is the media of the masses par excellence. » Joël de Rosnay, scientist, futurist and French writer
  • “The more interactions we establish, the better we know the object under study. » John Dewey, philosopher
  • “Good advertising that is never broadcast does not sell. » Leo Burnett, publicist
  • “Good advertising not only conveys information, it penetrates the minds of the public with desires and beliefs. » Léo Burnett, advertiser, tells us about his vision of advertising: a tool for selling.
  • “Communication, like war, is a simple art, and all about execution. » Luc Ferry, philosopher
  • “The Internet is the product of a unique combination of military strategy, scientific cooperation and protest innovation. » Manuel Castells, sociologist in his book « The Networked Society ».
  • "The medium is the message" The medium is the message), Marshall McLuhan, Canadian media philosopher
  • “We change an image by actions. Not just by language. Advertising is an accelerator, but it must be based on evidence. »Maurice Lévy, publicist
  • “After the faculty of thinking, that of communicating his thoughts to his fellows is the most striking attribute which distinguishes man from the brute. »Maximilian Robespierre
  • “Innovating is easy. The difficulty is to transform an innovation into a real business. —Michael Dell, Founder of Dell
  • “Sign and image are the two great ways of communication between men through space and time. » Michel Tournier, writer
  • “Each time there is a change of support, there is a Socrates who yells at a Plato. » Michel Serres, philosopher
  • “A good sketch is better than a long speech. " Napoleon Bonaparte
  • "Modern man often communicates more with his mouse than with his tongue" Paul Carvel, writer
  • “The “two-step flow” suggests that the interpersonal networks are linked to the mass media networks in such a way that some people, who are relatively more exposed, pass on what they see, or hear, or read, to others with whom they are in contact who are less exposed. » Paul Lazarsfeld and Elihu Katz in the seminal work Personal Influence
  • “What characterizes communication is to be one-sided. » Paul Ricoeur, French philosopher
  • “We construct the world, while we think we perceive it. What we call "reality" is an interpretation constructed by and through communication. » Paul Watzlawick, communication theorist
  • “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said. » Peter Drucker, management and organization theorist
  • “In our time when we talk so much about communication, real communication is poetic. »Robert Sabatier, writer
  • “Speech is the face of the soul. » Seneca, philosopher
  • “Politicians read Le Monde, business reads Les Echos and television reads Le Parisien, each looking at society through their own glasses. » Stéphane Fouks, Vice-President of Havas
  • “We will never do good advertising by highlighting technical characteristics, gigabytes of RAM, tables or comparisons. You have to convey an emotion. —Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple
  • “Keeping it simple is probably the most sophisticated goal in the world. —Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple
  • “I'm as proud of what we don't do as what we do. —Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple
  • “I'm writing you a long letter because I don't have time to write a short one. » Voltaire
  • "It's not enough to speak, you have to speak rightly. »William Shakespeare
  • “Form is the bottom that rises to the surface. »Victor Hugo
  • “Events are the foam of things. It's the sea that interests me. » Paul Valery
  • “There is no publicity as powerful as a good reputation that travels quickly. »Brian Koslow
  • “A brand can be known and misunderstood. Anne-Gabrielle Dauba-Pantanacce, Dircom Netflix Europe
  • “Communication is complicated because the receivers are complicated. »Dominique Wolton
  • “Inconvenient words, rumor is the first free radio station. » Jean-Noel Kapferer
  • “The paradox of the human condition is that you can only become yourself under the influence of others” Gaston Bachelard
  • "It's not the event that is important, it's the way we recreate it... each in our own way" Jean-Luc Godard
  • "The difference between manipulation and influence is that in influence, both sides win" Richard Branson
  • "Today's universal media is Opinion with a capital O" Stéphane Attal
  • “The influencer is someone who thinks for themselves, not hesitating to be disruptive or to provoke discussion” Travis Bradberry 
  • “Reputation is a vain and fallacious prejudice: often won without merit and lost without justice! » Othello (1604), William Shakespeare
  • “Social media is more about psychology and sociology than technology. Brian Solis
  • “Your brand is not what you say about it, but what Google says about it! »Chris Anderson
  • “The difficulty is not in understanding new ideas, but in escaping old ideas. John Maynard Keynes
  • "No more company should believe that its job is to sell products" Catherine Barba
  • “For a company, not advertising is like staring at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but no one else does. » Stuart H. Britt
  • “In advertising, not taking risks can be dangerous. If you commit to nothing, you will have no one against you, and no one for you” William (Bill) Bernbach, founder of DDB
  • "Of all the inventions of mass communication, the drawing speaks in the language best understood universally" Walt E. Disney
  • "Good advertisers want consumers to say 'this is a great product' rather than 'this is a great advertisement'" Léo Burnett
  • “A brand is just emotion. You can't touch it, you can't feel it. It's in our head” Martin Lindstrom, Danish neuro-marketing specialist
  • “What can be conceived well is clearly stated” Nicolas Boileau, poet
  • “Our role is to always put the “why” before the “how” Arnaud Delanoy
  • “I understood that all the misfortune of men came from the fact that they did not speak clearly. I then decided to speak and act clearly” Albert Camus
  • "Communication is a multi-channel system in which the social actor participates at all times, whether he likes it or not" Yves Winkin
  • "All communication challenges the individual as a core of belonging" Eliseo Veron
  • “The more powerful brands are, the more likely they are to be weakened by buzz” Gilles Lipovetsky
  • “In the past, displaying “Created in 1906” important status for a brand. Now it's a weight” Seth Godin
  • "Social media is enabling big business to do things, again, on a small scale" Jay Baer, ​​content marketing and social media strategist
  • “Your brand is what people say about it when you're not in the room” Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon
  • “Information absorbs the attention of its recipients. This is why too much information leads to a lack of attention” Herbert Simon
  • "The real rarity now is human attention" Satya Nadella
  • "He who stops advertising to save money is like he who stops a clock to save time" Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States
  • "The quality of our communication is determined not by how we say things, but by how they are understood" Andrew Grove, co-founder of Intel
  • “A sign is something that brings to mind what was in mine” Umberto Eco
  • “Social media has given voice to legions of fools who used to only talk at the bar, after a glass of wine and do no harm to the community [...] whereas today they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner” Umberto Eco
  • “When humans use information, they consume attention. The function of emotion is to control attention” Herbert Simon, Nobel Prize in Economics.
  • “To know how to listen is to possess – in addition to one's own – the brains of others” Leonardo da Vinci.
  • “Creation is not a democratic process. " Pierre Hermé
  • "Advertising is the greatest art form of the XNUMXth century" Marshall McLuhan, Canadian media philosopher
  • “Advertising remains the art of selling something to the client of the advertising house. " Jean Anouilh
  • “An idea that is not dangerous is not worth calling an idea. »Elbert Hubbard
  • “Words give, on average, as many ideas as ideas give words. »Paul Valéry
  • “The best advertisement is a good product. »Alan Meyer
  • “The art is not to come up with new ideas, but to interpret these ideas that have always surrounded us. »George Lucas
  • “Design is the silent ambassador of your brand. Paul Rand
  • "We must not believe that speech is ever used for true communication between beings. As soon as we really have something to say, we are forced to be silent… Because words pass between men, but silence, if it has the opportunity to be active for a moment, never fades” Maurice Maeterlinck, writer
  • “I use animals to instruct men. »Jean de la Fontaine
  • “In a nutshell, information is the message, while communication is the much more complex relationship. »Dominique Wolton
  • "Speech is half to him who speaks, half to him who listens" Montaigne
  • “You cannot escape tomorrow's responsibility by evading today's” Abraham Lincoln
  • “Publicity is the price to pay for incomparable thought. »Jeff Bezos
  • “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. » Mary Lou Cook, American actress
  • "Eighty percent of success is being seen" Woody Allen
  • "The best place to hide a body is the second page of google!" » Proverb of SEOs
  • “A good name is an advertisement in itself. » Claude C. Hopkins
  • “Any publicity is good publicity. »Andy Warhol
  • “Creativity without strategy is called 'Art'. Creativity with strategy is called “Advertising”. »Jeff Richards, American actor
  • “In the press, only the advertisements tell the truth. »Thomas Jefferson
  • “Products are made in factories, but brands are born in people's minds. »Walter Landor
  • “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. If you keep this in mind, you will do things differently! »Warren Buffett
  • “It is not communicating to communicate what is clear. » Emile Auguste Chartier
  • “Advertising is untangling a ball to remake a sublimely presented knot, which will provoke the emotion of the public. » Dominique Issermann, photographer
  • « I am writing you a long letter because I do not have time to write a short one.«  Blaise Pascal, mathematician
  • “There is nothing in the world as powerful as an idea whose time has come. »Victor Hugo
  • “The secret to effective originality in advertising is not the creation of new and clever images or words, but the identification of new relationships between familiar images and words. » Leo Burnett
  • “A man is more a man by the things he was than by those he says. " Albert Camus
  • “Don't find customers for your products, find products for your customers. »Seth Godin
  • “Never complain about a difficult client because they are the cause of your progress. Treat others even better: they are the reasons for your profits. » Auguste Detoeuf, French economist
  • “Man has two ears and one tongue, to listen twice as much as he speaks. » Zeno de Cition, Greek philosopher, inventor of Stoicism
  • “In the world of Internet customer service, it's important to remember that your competitor is only a click away! » Douglas Warner III, American businessman
  • “To wait to know enough to act in full light is to condemn oneself to inaction. » Jean Rostand
  • “To succeed, it is not enough to plan. You also have to know how to improvise. » Isaac Asimov, American-Russian writer
  • “It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that they are difficult. » Seneca
  • “We can have all the means of communication in the world, but nothing, absolutely nothing, replaces the human gaze. » Claudio Coelho, writer
  • « There is only one boss: the customer. And he can lay off all the staff, from the director down to the employee, simply by spending his money elsewhere. » Sam Walton, American businessman 
  • « The word that escapes you cannot be caught up. » Horace
  • « Reflection kills speech when speech has not triumphed over reflection. " Honoré de Balzac 
  • « In the contemporary world, success is to a large extent created and measured by advertising. » David Lodge, British writer 
  • “Many insignificant things have gained momentum through good publicity. » Mark Twain, American writer
  • « Agree the action with the word, the word agree with the action. »William Shakespeare
  • “If you want to get something you've never had, you have to try something you've never done. » Pericles
  • « Write short and you will be read. Write clearly and you will be understood. Write imaged and you will be remembered. »Joseph Pulitzer
  • « The art of being now very daring and sometimes very careful is the art of success. " Napoleon Bonaparte
  • « The quality of a man is calculated to its excess; try, try, even fail, it will be your success. " Jacques Brel 
  • “In a changing environment, there is no greater risk than standing still. " Jacques Chirac
  • « You always have to have two ideas: one to kill the other. " Georges Braque
  • « The one who knows talk also knows when to talk. » Plutarch 
  • « To speak without thinking is to shoot without aiming. »Miguel de Cervantes
  • « To please others, you have to talk about what they like, and what touches them. " François de La Rochefoucauld
  • « Think before you speak and weigh before you act. »William Shakespeare 
  • “An intuition is creativity trying to tell you something. Frank Capra, American director
  • « The one who does not fear no act fear no talking. » Sophocles 
  • « True creativity often begins where language ends. » Arthur Koestler, Anglo-Hungarian novelist
  • « There are three possible reactions to any design: yes, no, and WOW! The third is the one I'm aiming for. Milton Glaser, graphic designer and co-founder of New York magazine
  • “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. » Mary lou cook, American actress
  • « If you think a good design is expensive, you should evaluate the cost of a bad design. » Ralf Speth, Anglo-German businessman
  •  The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said. » Peter Drucker, American author and theorist 
  • « The dollar bill that the customer receives from tellers at four different banks is the same. What's different are the tellers. » Marcus Stanley, American industrialist
  • “Imagination rules the world. " Napoleon Bonaparte
  • "Paralled speech is not sincere." » Lao Tzu, Chinese sage
  • “Details make perfection and perfection is not a detail. " Leonardo DeVinci
  • « See far, speak frankly, act firm. " Stone coubertin
  • « It is sometimes necessary to be silent to deliver the right word. » Christian Bobin, French writer and poet 
  • “The important thing is to never stop asking questions. Never lose a holy curiosity. Albert Einstein.
  • “To act prudently, you have to know how to listen. » Sophocles
  • “The confidence to please is often a means of infallibly displeasing. " François de La Rochefoucauld
  • “The remedy for boredom is curiosity, curiosity is irremediable. " French proverb
  • “Strategy without data is air guitar. »Nick Law
  • “It doesn't matter if you have style, reputation, or money, if you don't have a good heart, you're worth nothing. " Louis de Funes
  • " To choose ! It is the flash of intelligence. Do you hesitate? Everything is said, you are wrong. " Honoré de Balzac
  • « No one is subject to more faults than those who act only by reflection. »Luc de Clapiers
  • “Do not imitate anything or anyone, a lion that copies a lion becomes a monkey. »Victor Hugo
  • “As the imagination created the world, it governs it. " Charles Baudelaire
  • « Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. » Winston Churchill 
  • « What can be said without proof can be denied without proof. » Euclid
  • « Going on television is the dream of all the me-you-seen who, rightly or wrongly, imagine they have something to communicate to others. »Jean d'Ormesson
  • “If we exchange a dollar, we both have a dollar each. But if we exchange a good thought, we both have two good thoughts. » Abraham Lincoln
  • «  Follies are the only things you never regret. »Oscar Wilde
  • “You have to have a part of delirium, it's poetry, it's uncertainty, it's hesitation, it's trouble, and it's the source of creativity. »Boris Cyrulnik, French neuropsychiatrist
  • « We do not desire a thing because we deem it good, but we deem it good because we desire it. Baruch Spinoza
  • “Haste is the mother of failure. » Herodotus
  • “The one who knows how to speak also when it is necessary to speak. » Plutarch
  • “Insanity is behaving the same way but expecting a different result. »Albert Einstein
  • “Corporate communication is a rare little happy period between two crisis communications”. Thierry Orsoni.
  • "A single blunder is enough to tarnish a reputation, and then the damage is often irreversible". Cardinal Mazarin.
  • “Being responsible means having the ability to respond. The term is beautiful, because it designates both the fact of answering for one's actions and of answering for them in the strict sense. » Alain Etchegoyen.
  • “Whatever shame we have deserved, it is almost always in our power to restore our reputation. " La Rochefoucauld.
  • “The Titanic had an Iceberg problem, not a communication problem. Paul Begala, adviser to Bill Clinton.
  • “It's not writing that's difficult, what's difficult is sitting down to write. —Steven Pressfield.
  • “Knowing how to listen means possessing, in addition to one's own, the brains of others. " Leonardo DeVinci
  • « The art of success consists in knowing how to surround yourself with the best. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • “Experience is the foundation of all knowledge. »John Locke
  • “The myth is a communication system, it is a message. " Roland Barthes
  • “The sage is not he who knows many things, but he who sees their fair measure. » Plato
  • “Culture eats strategy for breakfast. »Peter Drucker
  • “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. »Winston Churchill
  • “Silence is the highest degree of wisdom. » Pindar
  • “A man should never blush to confess that he is wrong, because by making this confession, he proves that he is wiser today than yesterday. " Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • « Take pains for little things is to achieve to large over time. »Samuel Beckett
  • “Deeds speak louder than words. » Terence
  • " A picture is worth a thousand words. » Confucian
  • « You can not not build a reputation on this what you are going to do. »Henry Ford
  • “The more technology advances, the more people will be interested in the possibilities of the human mind alone. » Isaac Bashevis SingerWriter and Nobel Prize
  • « It is better to remain silent and look like an idiot than to speak up and leave no doubt about it. »Mark Twain
  • “Reputation is a fragile edifice of glass, difficult to build and easy to break. » William Shakespeare
  • « Reputation is precious capital that is earned in drops and lost in floods. " French proverb
  • “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • "The precision of language is obtained by removing everything that is superfluous. My ideal is to obtain a language of incredible density, a language from which nothing can be removed." Amélie Nothomb
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