Are you looking for a job in communications? Always so nice, the We Are COM team is mobilizing for Employment and shares the names of its 8 favorite headhunters. The method of this pseudo ranking: their expertise in communication (yay HR who understand our job!). The podium 1. Elaee Founded by Claire Romanet and based in Lyon (and in Paris yes yes!), Elaee is not only an employment magazine in the sectors of communication, marketing, digital, creation... It is also and especially a recruitment firm in COM. Elaee's niche? Make you grow. That's rather good because the name "Elaee" is an evocation of the fine strategist Aeneas, one of the protagonists of the Trojan War who became the mythical founder of Rome, and Zeno of Elea, father of dialectics (this method of research of the truth by successively defending…
The 8 headhunters in communication