After chairing Publicis Dialog, Marc Drillech is the Managing Director of IONIS Education Group, the leading private higher education group in France with its 1 schools (ISEG Marketing & Communication, SUP'Internet, ISG, Epitech etc.). Why did this great com pro return to school? A vision full of anecdotes that boosted the creativity and brand culture of the We Are COM team! Good morning Marc. After 23 years in advertising, 25 now at the head of IONIS Education Group, you have just published – with ISEG – Brand Success, a book that covers fifty recognized and deciphered campaigns. What is your definition of corporate communication today? Everyone has an opinion on advertising because its mission is to challenge, to make us react, to bring about behavior. Conversely, the objective of corporate communication is to create unity. All…
"Communication is handling the intellect and the land"