Containment separated us physically. For many, it has taken us away. For Thibault Vignes, partner at La Boétie Partners, specialized in strategy consulting and the creation of "conversations" in business, it's the opposite! This period was an opportunity to show that physical distance is not antonym for enhanced cooperation, team spirit and corporate cohesion. Explanations.
How can the webinar support internal communication strategies?
A lot of corporate communications focus on a business plan, vision, purpose… These are important topics that we must continue to share and around which we must be able to discuss. Remote tools like webinars make it possible to reach a lot more people, more easily than in physics, finally. They simplify the organization of these communications and make it possible to involve as many employees as possible, but also top managers on the busy agenda.
It also allows create greater engagement with content. In a physical seminar, a video that is projected on a wall will not always interest the participants. When everyone is facing a video on their computer, they are more focused on the underlying message. Information retention is much better.
Even after this period, we will continue to recommend this type of communication, which is sometimes more effective than bringing people together in a room for several hours.
What conclusions do you draw from the confinement?
In a general way, a lot of curiosity for new tools, and a desire to learn and appropriate them.
On March 13, 2020, we launched, with a free first session. Since then, interest seems to be maintained because it is always full.
After containment and teleworking generalized, we will continue to conduct remote meetings. For many of them, it's even much more efficient, especially when there is content to produce. One Klaxoon sign of idea sharing is often more engaging than a physical wall, where people sometimes feel little involved.
La period of containment also allowed many companies to improve their tools. The proof is with Zoom - which was banned in many companies for security reasons - and which has become essential.
What makes a good webinar?
First of all, it's a big structuring work. It is advisable not to recite slides and to wait for it to happen while hoping that the interaction is created. It takes a very precise sequencing, where we know what is expected of everyone, to continue to capture attention.
In terms of organization, the ideal is to create sub-groups in order to facilitate exchanges between participants. We must not be afraid of dispersion, it is even inevitable and it is not dramatic.
You have to create engagement, involve individuals. Do not think that being at a distance creates limits, there is nothing that is done in person that is impossible to achieve at a distance. Whether it is collective reflection, voting on ideas, sharing ideas on a (virtual) wall… You just need to choose your tools well upstream and teach participants how to use them. Moreover, theempowerment of everyone is a key point to make these moments of discussion a success.
What are the common mistakes that should not be made?
The first is to want interact with everyone. Beyond 12 people, it becomes impossible. For top-down communication, without interaction, this is not a problem. But if we want to be able to create an exchange, better not to be too many. In a virtual meeting, it is complicated to know when we can speak, there are no codes that make us say "I can speak" at that moment. So we risk losing people's attention.
The second is to tell yourself that you can't interact. On the contrary, it is necessary to create an exchange. This generates attachment to the company, attachment to the project, and in general, a feeling of commitment.
Finally, the last pitfall is to want doing things too sophisticated. There is no point in wanting to gamify your webinars at all costs, for example.
The final word ?
Know how to be zen with technique!
Sometimes that doesn't work, and that's okay. If someone disconnects or the network is capricious, we continue. Show must go on!