Volvo: relational communication is having a real conversation

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn: 4 social networks for a choice presence! If Volvo Car France multiplies the editorial lines according to the channels with a very precise tone, the brand seeks above all to meet and retain its different communities. Talking about safety, without being anxiety-provoking, while remaining a desirable brand is a real daily challenge. Julie Palaysi, Social Media & Influence / Lifestyle Public Relations Manager at Volvo Car France, agreed to share the secrets of this strategy which mixes lifestyle content, influencers, Swedish values ​​and new technologies, for communication at the service of dialogue. We Are COM takes the controls and shares its #VolvoMoment with Julie. So, let's go Simone! 🚘🤷‍♀️ In your opinion, what is the difference between customer communication and relational communication? I see more of a difference between relational and transactional communication. For me, relational communication is linked to the customer, in the sense that it addresses…

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