How can a company manage a crisis and how can it adapt afterwards? Exceptional situations require exceptional measures. The We Are COM team is trying to identify the challenges of internal communication afterward. After what? After the lockdown of course! The communicators of AXA France, members of the We Are COM Club, share with us some of their secrets to inspire our next internal communications. But before getting to the heart of the matter, here is a quick overview of the case studies we have selected.examples of devices the axaslides strategy in FrenchInternal devices identified by the We Are COM team💪 CHALLENGE N°1 – Staying mo-ti-vatedHow can you restore motivation in a context of teleworking and desynchronization of the presence of teams on site? The first challenge to be met, and not the least, is to remotivate your troops! Diminished prospects, feeling of no longer progressing, lack of recognition due to the distance... Teleworkers believe that the...

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