Web: should you write short or long articles?

💡 The question often comes up: on the web, is it better to publish short articles or long articles? The Internet user reads quickly, he zaps. We are talking about fleeting reading. His eye stops in priority on the title, the chapeau (or chapô) and the intertitles. And yet, some, including myself, continue to publish texts with rich content. Are they right? And you, are you more of a “snackable” or big cobbler fan? 🕵 The call of the court! 📉 Internet users spend less and less time on an article. Various marketing studies all conclude that the average time to read an online article is 8 seconds. This discourages editors. This phenomenon is spreading and also affects the practice of more literary reading. The Reading lengh site, which was created in 2019, provides us with an algorithm capable of calculating the time…

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