Pandemic, health crisis, confinement... 😷 It didn't take much to change the working practices of the French. The use of videoconferences, or “webinars”, to understand online seminars, has exploded! It is true that at first sight, all this is attractive: trips are reduced, appointments are shorter, you can bring together hundreds of people in a few clicks, share your screen... But... there is a "but" ! Human contact may be harmed. We sometimes forget the importance of the "non-verbal", the charisma can be crushed and the presence diminished. In a context of the deployment of telework, it is essential to optimize these new means of communication, in order to retain the full attention of our listeners and to mobilize our targets. Audio or video? 📞 A well-conducted conference call is most often preferable. Video, in addition to being an imposing format for your Internet bandwidth, has…