The team We Are COM and ISCOM, higher school of communication and advertising, present to you communication professions. Each month, our videoconference mini-shows tell you EVERYTHING about your future job. Go for a first episode! 👊
By the way… What is communication? 🤔
Any refusal to communicate is an attempt to communicate.
Albert Camus
Albert Camus knew it, communication is everywhere! Any action, even a silence, is an action of communication. It affects both individuals and businesses and their brands. Already, at the dawn of the XNUMXth century, the thinker and linguist Roman Osipovich Jakobson had theorized this phenomenon. Jakobson's famous diagram explains that any communication action requires a transmitter, wishing to send a message to a receiver in order to receive feedback in return. This message depends on a particular context, passes through a channel which is specific to it, and finally is expressed in a specific code.
In business, how does communication work?
Communication is defined according to three main models:
- 1. The interpersonal communication, the most basic. It refers to communication from one individual to another.
- 2. The group communication. Here, a transmitter addresses several groups of receivers. This applies, for example, during a press conference, where the sender transmits a message to the various average
- 3. The mass communication. In this kind of action, the sender addresses a multitude of receivers, the message is massively transmitted. The most telling example is that ofe-mailing.
But that's not all ! It is important to understand that communication is not the same depending on the activity of the company.
✌️ Two areas oppose and complement each other: the B2C, who are " business-to-consumer "And the B2B, who are " business to business ". In the first case, a business is targeting a mainstream customer (you or I could be the end consumers). While in the second case, the final target is another business.
So, communication professions… Is it for you? ????
A good communicator must invariably bring together a certain number of qualities: unfailing curiosity, good interpersonal skills, impeccable writing, versatility, great strength of creativity, real responsiveness and obviously a good command of communication tools. All while keeping an essential humility.
But besides, what do the directors of communication think?
Be versatile et curious with a thirst for learning never satisfied.
Julien Landfried, DirCOM and public affairs at Gecina
Un business of paradoxes : you have to love the shadow without being afraid of the light.
Dominique Danae, DirCOM Microsoft France
You have to have a taste for'adrenaline !
Béatrice Mandine, Brand & Commitment DirCOM of the Orange group
Where are the jobs in this sector located?
Two types of structures employ communicators: the advertiser and the agency. They are complementary and interdependent!
- > The advertiser designates any kind of company, business, association or startup, whose main activity is not communication (example: the EDF group). The advertiser has one or more Communication & Marketing teams among its employees. However, the advertiser - when he wishes to convey a particular message, or to reach a specific target - can request the services of a specialized company: a communication agency.
- > We at communication, it is a company or a company, which supports the advertiser in his action or his communication strategy. In agencies, communication teams are generally formed according to the advertiser's needs. They then deal with the missions that the advertiser wished to entrust to them. We are talking about outsourcing here.
The main jobs at the advertiser :
🎙 Let us first mention the job ofPress officer, in charge of the media. He embodies the bond of trust between the company and the press. He must constantly watch over content issued, in a world where all information is disseminated ever faster. Its role will also be to advise in the event of a crisis. Knowledge of the media, diplomacy and good management of unforeseen events are essential.
💻 The community manager is at Social Media, what the press attaché is to the media. He manages the communities and e-reputation of his company, and embodies its presence on social platforms. For this function, a culture of digital is essential.
💪 Finally, the communication Manager. It's a bit like the Swiss Army Knife of the COM team. He takes care of communication Online et offline, but also keep an eye out for public relations. He is versatile and performs various missions related to project management: budgets, schedules ...
At the advertiser, we also find all kinds of communication officers specializing in events, Human Resources, digital, etc.
The main jobs in an agency:
The professions are also numerous and varied. We find there among others the strategic planner, the media planner or the customer manager.
🎨 Generally the agencies offer creative services and thus have one or more artistic directors. They take care of creative projects from A to Z: visual design, creation of graphic charters, creative orientation, choice of resources… A job that requires being both imagination and rationality (to defend your ideas with the advertiser client! )
📝. The artistic director works in close collaboration with the designer Editor, the "pen" of the team. He must know how to use the tools of the language and be able to adapt his speech to the different channels and different targets. His strength lies in his words.
🤓 Finally, the Head of advertising, a typical profession of the agency. It is the intermediary between the advertiser and the creatives. He must be rigorous and diplomatic to coordinate and supervise all projects as well as possible.
And finally, what are the major trends in the labor market sector? 📈
The dual health and economic crisis has had the effect of reducing the number of recruitments (especially on permanent contracts), with a sharp slowdown for the events business and maintenance for the digital business. Some benchmarks:
- > More than 40% of digital jobs are based in Île-de-France in 2020.
- > Near 37% of contracts related to the marketing and communication professions were permanent contracts in 2019.
- > The jobs that offer the best entry salary are: digital project manager, acquisition manager et CRM manager.
- > The jobs that recruit the most young graduates are: webmarketing manager, e-merchandise et community manager.