Jobs in digital communication - Episode # 4

🚀 Mini-fairs for Communication professions We Are COM X ISCOM, reveal to you the path and daily life of communicators. Overview of digital communication in this episode # 4! 🤓

What is digital communication? 

We need to move from creating messages to growing connections. Shift from targeting individuals to engaging communities

Chuck brymer, CEO DDB Worldwide

We must not lose sight of the three objectives common to any communication action: 👇

  1. Become known : develop its notoriety is essential.
  2. Make yourself loved : it is important to make yourself attractive, to arouse emotion.
  3. Make someone act : the final objective remains to get the customer to take action, to purchase.

💻 With the revolution of PRESENCE, digital communication is more essential than ever. Globally in 2020, 67% of the world's population uses a mobile phone, 59% the internet and 49% Social Media

And more concretely, what does digital communication give? 

There are many digital channels: Web sites, emailing, digital advertising space (display, native ads, cover, billboard, etc.), mobile and social networks. At the time of the big data, this is the big bang of the communication professions. 💥 

Brands evolve at the rate of technological developments and the incessant appearance of new average. In this digital ecosystem, it is important to respond to a whole new series of tasks, challenges and needs. 

Digital communication has four main objectives:

Become known : it is important to be visible where our targets are.

Develop the brand image : it is necessary to arouse an interest allowing to create a preference. 

Support the highlights : the support, during events, launches or various operations, is unifying. 

Continue : constantly nurturing the bond of trust that we have succeeded in generating. 

What do the directors of communications think? 

The constraints of our profession are more and more numerous. With the development of social networks, communicators must learn to treat all their audiences with as much consideration. 

Dominique Benneteau-Wood - DirCOM of the Engie group

My advice is a paradox: you have to combine personal creativity and collective quality of execution to succeed in the world of communication today and tomorrow.

Dominique danae, DirCOM of Microsoft France

Where are the digital communication jobs located?

The main jobs atadvertiser

💪 Let's first mention the job digital brand manager. True guardian of the brand on the web, he manages his e-reputation, manages the systems in the event of digital crises. Finally, it develops and measures actions. To be a digital brand manager, you first need to be curious and open-minded. Creativity and the spirit of a leader are also essential. 

🔎 The Inbound marketing manager is a versatile communicator. He must know how to manage both the inbound strategy (the one that promotes the generation of leads, either prospects / future clients), projects, writing and distribution. For this, he needs interpersonal skills, a strong team spirit as well as a very sharp sense of analysis. 

📑 Finally, the in charge of digital COM is the expert in the entire digital dimension. He manages the line editorial digital content, also ensuring technical monitoring. Mastery of digital tools is essential for him and a strong dynamism is preferable to him. 

You will also find all kinds of specialist communication officers among advertisers. : webmaster, community manager, social media manager, traffic manager, etc.

The main jobs in agency

🤓 Essential, the SEO consultant it's "Mr. Google". SEO corresponds to natural referencing on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Qwant, etc.). This consultant performs audits, develops the SEO content strategy and performs competitive intelligence. He must have an irreproachable writing, a sharp analytical capacity and finally a good culture of the Web.

📊 Finally,UX designer is responsible for the user experience of sites or mobile applications. It carries out audits that will allow it to define the strategy adequate digital. He manages the implementation of the latter, while measuring and analyzing its results. 

Note that this list is not exhaustive. In agencies, we also find consulting directors, digital consultants, community managersetc.

What are the major trends in the sector? 

  • > The jobs that offer the best entry salary: Community manager, acquisition manager, CRM manager, UX designer. 
  • > The jobs that recruit the most young people: in charge of webmarketing, e-merchandiser and community manager.

Expert opinion 🎙

We have the chance to interact with Virginie ziegler on the advertiser side, and Olivier Bouas Laurent, accompanied byAngelique Bordas, on the agency side.

Hello to you three! 👋 What is each of your jobs?

Virginie ziegler : I am PR & media manager for the recruitment giant Randstad. I manage the brand strategy and speech. I coordinate communication actions. I also take care of events, especially in the eSports

Olivier Bouas Laurent : I am deputy general manager of strategy & creation, ofIsoskele. This communication agency is in particular in charge of data marketing within the La Poste group. 

My role is to define and design brand identities. To do this, I need to analyze and understand the data, structure and enrich the collection of data, archive and finally measure communication and marketing campaigns. 

Angelique Bordas : I work with Olivier for Isoskèle, a subsidiary of the La Poste group. I am the director of human resources for the agency. I therefore manage the agency's recruitment policy and talent careers on a daily basis. 

👉 Why and when did you decide to focus on the communication sector?

VZ: After my Baccalaureate, I did not want to orient myself towards business studies (like many). So I decided to take a competition to join a communication school. At the time, I remember, it worried my parents. 

Today, still many students go to business schools to finally land in marketing or communication. It's still very strange, isn't it?

O. BL. : I agree with you. For my part, I was attracted very young by the way of formulating a message that challenges! I liked this game, which above all appeals to the intellect. I still remember the old Crédit Lyonnais slogan (now LCL) “ The power to say yes! ». Brand postures have always fascinated me. It is therefore quite natural that I joined a school of communication. 

What does a typical day look like in your calendar? ????

VZ: In our business, you only see the tip of the iceberg. We are makers, shadow logisticians, and that requires extremely investment as well as versatility. We are moving forward in "project mode". 

Strictly speaking, there is therefore no typical day. And I also force myself to reserve 20% of my time for the management of unforeseen events, which are commonplace in the daily life of a communicator.

The key is to manage your time well. My tips are to set aside an hour in the morning and evening to check my emails (otherwise we won't spend the day there). I make daily to-do-lists for the next day. I limit my appointments and refuse any meeting that does not have an established agenda (stop acute reunion!). And above all, I save time for the night before, you must constantly stimulate your curiosity by going to see what is being done elsewhere. 

AB: Indeed, the typical timetable does not exist, in this sector no day looks like what we had planned. This is why COM is a very stimulating sector.

O. BL. (smiling): My days will not interest you, I prefer to talk to you about those that will be yours tomorrow. The digital explosion will require you to be everywhere. You will perform a multitude of exciting and time-consuming tasks. You will need to demonstrate what I call "flash concentration", that is to say that you will have to fragment your brain, in order to immerse yourself quickly (a few minutes) and optimally in each of your different missions to achieve.  

Today or tomorrow, what is the most stimulating part of your job? 

VZ: This is all we have just mentioned: despite the initial structure of our projects, we are constantly faced with unforeseen events. Emergency management means immersing oneself headlong into a multitude of very varied tasks. It's tiring, sometimes disturbing, but so stimulating! 

I would add that in communication we learn every day and I've been in the sector for 30 years. If you feel that you have nothing more to discover, change jobs immediately. 😀

AB: On the agency side, it is very stimulating to have the power to influence, or even transform, a brand's strategy. What is marvelous in our professions is the capacity for exchange. We are never alone when faced with a project. The collective nourishes everyone's creativity. Finally, if we never stop, we never get bored! 

What are the major developments in digital communication according to you? 📈

O. BL. : With digital - even more than before - communication is everywhere, and it will not stop there. Today we speak of “omnichannel”. These digital professions have a bright future ahead of them. I am convinced that we will emerge from the economic crisis with and thanks to them. There will certainly be a reorganization of jobs in this sector, which may be yours. It will be dynamic, and I think pretty crazy!

Today, the star professions are those of social media, UX design and datamining. In the coming years, I think that the professions of inbound marketing, CRM around augmented data (customer loyalty), search, gaming and marketing will explode. Report (responsible communication).

VZ: Digital has its own codes. How to address our targets, in what way, with what tools and for what objectives? The main challenge remains to provide Internet users with an extremely rapid response, otherwise they will move on. You have to not only capture, but also keep the prospect's attention. 

On the brand side, we make it a point of honor to make our customer journey web as smooth as possible. It must be ergonomic and have a strong reactivity in its answers. The real challenge is the continuous integration of digital developments.

(I.e. Do you have any advice for students and future communicators? 

VZ: Remember one thing: in an agency or at the advertiser, you will work, and work hard. Above all, you will need to be attentive and have a team spirit. We never work alone in our professions. The communicator is part of a whole, he is the link in a chain that brings out the best in everyone. 

O. BL. : You also have to be passionate, but passionate about EVERYTHING! Curiosity is essential, because you will have to constantly acquire and (re) acquire a 360 ° vision to always be one step ahead. 

Angélique, as HRD, what are the top salaries in digital communication? ????

AB: This will depend enormously on the profession exercised and the level of expertise. I will give a wide range: between 28K and 35K. 

Virginie, do you need to have specific skills to work in eSports? (I.e.

VZ:Please note, strictly speaking, there are no “eSports jobs”, they are marketing and communication jobs with an appetite for gaming. My advice is this: stay as wide as possible and don't specialize too much because we will always ask you to be versatile. 

If you are passionate about this sector, I recommend the AFJB newsletter (French video game agency) which offers internship offers in the fields of eSport and gaming. 

Virginie ziegler

Virginie ziegler

Public Relations & Media Managers at Randstad France

Olivier Bouas Laurent

Olivier Bouas Laurent

Deputy Managing Director of the agency Isoskele

Angelique Bordas

Angelique Bordas

Human Resources Director of the agency Isoskele

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