Do you know about influence? Yes! But are you really up to date on nano-influence? The We Are COM team is trying to decipher this emerging phenomenon, because today it is becoming possible to do CtoC (consumer-to-consumer) for a very low cost. 😯 So, what are the best practices for this very special communication channel and what are its limits? Are you following us? Get your notepads ready! 📝Nano-influence: what is it? Increasingly, the opinions of major influencers and celebrities are becoming more rigid among consumers, who prefer to trust an individual with whom they can identify. 🙏 The Covid crisis has widened this gap between the "celebrities" of the web and Internet users more than ever. Indeed, simplicity has become the key word in communication. Customers are asking above all for transparency, responsibility and proximity. These are precisely the three commitments that nano-influence offers us. Let's face it, advertising campaigns...
Nano-Influence: a new El Dorado? 🤔