The We Are COM X ISCOM communication mini-fairs show you the daily life of communicators. Let's go for an overview of Press Relations and Influence in this episode #9! 😎 By the way… what are Press Relations and Influence? In a word, information is the message, while communication is the much more complex relationship Dominique Wolton There are two main communication techniques: ☝️ On the one hand, media communication is the most traditional. It designates the following distribution channels: TV, radio, cinema, posters, press, internet, etc. These media quickly optimize the notoriety of a brand or a company, and on a very large scale! ✌️ On the other hand, non-media communication refers to more direct techniques: public relations, sales promotions, fairs and shows, sponsorship, direct marketing or even social networks. These low-cost channels enjoy targeted consumer impact and enhanced…