Jobs in international communication - Episode # 7

Mini-fairs for Communication professions We Are COM X ISCOM, present the journey and daily life of communicators. In this episode # 7, let's take a look at the international COM sector. Let's go ! 🙌

Besides ... international communication, what does it consist of?

Before, the events that took place in the world were not linked to each other. Since then they have all been dependent on each other

Polybius, XNUMXrd century BC

The objectives of the international COM professions remain identical to those of all communication sectors: to make their brand known and attractive, in order to push the customer to take action, in other words to buy.

The great peculiarity of international communication lies in its adaptation to different national cultures, which must be demonstrated. 🌍 Conveying the brand identity and corporate values ​​respond to very specific codes, depending on the targets.

And more concretely, international communication, what does it give?

  • The Bruger King fast food chain is called Hungry Jack's in Australia. Indeed, the original name was already registered.
  • Danone is written Dannon in the Anglo-Saxon world, for reasons of national identification.
  • KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken - was francized in Quebec, giving the acronym PFK - Poulet Frit du Kentucky.
  • Auchan is literally translated Alcampo in Spain.

What do the DirCOM (communication directors) think?

The main thing is to develop your ability to listen and to bond

Dominique Benneteau-Wood, DirCOM of Engie.

At Microsoft, the approach is "glocal". We share a global base of values, and the freedom to adapt to take into account the specificities of the local market, cultural sensitivities or quite simply the history of Microsoft in the country.

Dominique Danaë, DirCOM of Microsoft France

So what are the jobs of international communication?

The main jobs at the advertiser:

💪 At theadvertiser, we find a brand content manager, in charge of the brand. He watches over and advises in order to guarantee and optimize the brand image, both in internal whether external. He must know how to manage the unforeseen and always maintain a relationship of trust with medias.

💡 The internal communications manager, manages the stratégies and internal administrations, one line et offline. To animate the communities, he must demonstrate good interpersonal skills, team spirit and finally a sense of listening.

📲 Finally, the digital communications manager takes care of the tasks related to the PRESENCE : line editorial and contents digital. In addition to a good command of IT and its tools, this specialization requires a strong dynamism.

Director of Advertising Campaigns, Director of Public Relations and Lobbying, or, brand manager, are as many other professions of the international COM that we find in the advertiser.

The main jobs in an agency:

(I.e. Artistic director is one of the main jobs on the side agency. This professional is in charge of the creative watch and the impetus that it generates. In order to make strategic recommendations, his artistic vision is not sufficient, he must show understanding and argument.

✌️ We also find a media planner, communicator who defines, implements and then measures the digital strategy. Good interpersonal and editorial skills, as well as an analytical and team spirit are essential qualities for him.

🤓 Finally, comes the ubiquitous community manager. This responsible for Social Media and digital communities, manages the presence and reputation of a brand, online. It is important that he is extremely responsive and that he has a good digital culture.

This list is not exhaustive. In branch, we can also meet copywriters, opportunities, Client managers or alternatively digital consultants.

International COM in a few figures?

  • 82% of employers around the world plan to hire this year.
  • 49% new positions are in the technology sector.
  • UK and Canada are the countries most likely to freeze hiring.

???? Words of experts!

On the agency side, we receive Cathy Ibal, Senior Vice-President at CNN. While on the advertiser side, we receive Valerie Marchand Battard, Head of Global communication at wfs.

👋 Hello to you two! What is your job at each?

VaLerie Marchand-Battard : I have been fortunate to have worked for 18 years at WFS, an international group present in more than 170 airports, spread over 20 countries. I am the head of communications for this company, which specializes in airport ground handling services: freight, runway, baggage, passengers, etc. WFS, in a few figures, is the transport of more than 5 million tonnes of freight and service to more than 270 airline customers each year.

Paradoxically, we are a very small communication team, in charge of bothinternal and external. This makes it possible to cover a very wide range of subjects. We manage all Press relations, brand strategies and events.

Cathy Ibal : As for me, I work at CNN International, a group made up of more than 4.000 employees around the world and located in 43 countries. We represent CNNIC, the advertising agency CNN International. Our mission is to collect information in order to supply our more than 1100 partners.

I am more mainly responsible for the Europe, Middle East and Africa branches. On a daily basis, I manage and manage the various communication teams, and provide support to local agents, especially for the sale ofadvertising space, sponsorships and partnerships.

In addition, I take care of the CNN Create production studio, and work closely with the artistic and creative teams.

⏱ When and why did you decide to focus on international communication?

THIS : It all started when I was studying in business school. I was then president of the BDE video association, which covered student events. Within this association, we had the opportunity to develop sponsorship actions as well as video productions - corporate. It was then quite naturally that I discovered a passion for COM and audiovisual. Once my studies were completed, an internship at RTL confirmed my vocation.

V. MB. : Regarding my background, it is particularly unusual. From an early age, I had the chance to travel a lot with my parents. It gave me a taste for languages, an open mind and a great curiosity and adaptability towards other cultures. This is why later, I undertook a master's degree in Applied Foreign Languages ​​(LEA). Having always appreciated the image, I integrated in the process, a school of photography. Finally, I turned to a BTS equivalent in tourism. Once these various studies were completed and after having worked for two years in New York, I returned to France to join the Marriott International group, in the “seminars and banquets” division. IThere was no longer any question of changing lanes, the COM imposed itself on me.

🌎 What does a typical day look like with multiple time zones?

THIS : Time zones obviously have their advantages and disadvantages. I get up with Asia and I go to bed with the United States. This requires providing a work that is as extensive as it is fascinating, since it puts us in contact with the four corners of the world. However, it is important to be able to set limits.

For a typical day, having been telecommuting for a year now, the morning invariably begins with a walk and a cappuccino. Once back home, it's time to get down to business. My daily life follows the rhythm of my to-do-lists: responses to emails, meetings with the various partners, discussions with the teams on current projects ... In the international COM, the specificity lies in the fact that the middle of the day is capital, it constitutes the key moment. This is the only time slot where all employees can connect to each other.

V. MB. : As Cathy explained so well, time zones punctuate our agendas. I would add that there is not really a typical day in international communication. Many calls punctuate our daily life, all the more so in these very special times. The days are quite dense. And above all, travel is omnipresent. They have been severely restricted with the health crisis, but it will come back!

💪 What is the most stimulating part of your job?

V. MB. : The contact ! Contact is part of our daily lives, we are constantly in touch with all the teams around the world. The differences in cultures and profiles are extremely stimulating. In the international communication sector, we are constantly learning, exchanging and collaborating on subjects as numerous as they are varied. Each project is a discovery, an exciting new challenge, which requires us to develop a work of collective intelligence. 

THIS : I would say that the most stimulating remains the human richness of our professions. It's a chance to have the opportunity to collaborate with teams from different backgrounds. It frees from clichés and stereotypes. Being passionate about geopolitics, I always appreciate having the opportunity to discover varied and changing cultural issues. Regarding the management, once again the difference drives us, we can work with a company from Qatar one day, the next day it will be a Swiss luxury house, or even an English company specializing in energy.

🤓 Which communication campaign are you most proud of?

THIS : Before the health crisis, our favorite sectors were luxury goods and tourism. The latter represented 50% of our advertising revenue. Recently, we had the will to develop a video, produced by our studios, in support of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). I let you discover this very special campaign.

V. MB. : I would like to cite two communication campaigns. On the one hand, we took up the challenge of carrying out the Company's Values ​​Campaign. WFS representing an extremely varied ecosystem of employees, it is not always easy to reach all of them. We managed to unite them, in a campaign where no less than 80% of employees were connected, via posters, surveys, promotions from field life… This work generated real commitment and the participation rate was exceptional for a company of our stature.

On the other hand, a few years ago at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle we hosted a forum intended for all security actors at WFS. It was essential to find common ground, to get everyone to agree, which turns out to be extremely complex, when everyone has a very specific opinion on communication. Once again, the teamwork has paid off. This is why our job is fantastic, each project is a new adventure.

📊 What are the major developments in international communication?

THIS : Previously, it was enough to send to your partner or client, a media plan for a TV spot not exceeding 30 seconds. Now, the solutions are much more numerous and therefore the missions much more complex. I would say that we have become true 360 ​​° consultants to advertisers. We need to craft the right message, targeting targeted audiences, on the right medium.

Since the health crisis, there has been an acceleration of corporate messages: ethics, stance, raison d'être ... The brands are positioning themselves more and more at the service of the community, and I hope with all my heart that these commitments will continue.

V. MB. : It is true that engagement is one of the main developments in the communication sector. At WFS, this commitment also extends to our teams. I would say that it is capital to focus on the local, this phenomenon is not new but it is always more present within companies. Of course, we do international and corporate communication, however, supporting our ecosystem internally is fundamental. You have to know how to include and unite all the stakeholders.

Recently, we had to ensure the transport of medical equipment, the COM had to adapt to very specific conditions and speeches depending on the different countries. It is increasingly essential to be able to adjust your speeches.

✅ Do you have any advice for future communicators who are destined for a worldwide career?

V. MB. : Above all, stay curious! You will have to keep on learning and discovering, without communication. Take an interest in everything, a communicator must train and perform throughout his career. In addition, I would add that you will need to demonstrate great interpersonal skills. The know-how is often felt more than the know-how. Your daily life will be punctuated by contacts, discussions and exercises of strength of conviction, so work on your presence.

THIS : Indeed, I agree with Valérie on the fact that in communication, learning never ends. My second advice, which might seem obvious, but ultimately isn't so much, would be to communicate again and again! It is very dangerous for an exchange to break down within a team, with a partner, a service provider, the press ... The only way to get out of possible periods of crisis is to maintain lasting and reliable relations with the all stakeholders. This has become all the more true in recent months, where virtual encounters have replaced real encounters. Finally, be multilingual. 🙂 Speaking English is really essential, a third language would be a huge advantage for you.

Cathy Ibal

Cathy Ibal

Senior Vice-President at CNN

Valerie Marchand Battard

Valerie Marchand-Battard

Head of Global communication at WFS

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