🇫🇷 French Version When you're communicating you're also writing! 🖋 Writing is at the heart of our job, which is why the We are COM team recently met with Mathilde Aubinaud. As a writer in her own right, as well as a teacher and communicator, she shared her thoughts with us on the subject. Besides fundamentals like grammar and spelling, which best practices do we need to implement in order to spark our audience's attention and curiosity? 🤓 Follow us inside this literary interview: there once was a We Are COM Club workshop dedicated to writing… Before anything else: the fundamentals of writingAt first glance, writing can seem simple. However, it's not enough to be proficient in one language in order to communicate successfully. Writing requires real technical skills and training. Before you start, it's essential to ask yourself what story you want to tell. Will your content carry any intrinsic…
Writing is at the heart of communication or why communicators are writers first