Brand heritage seen by LCL, Airbus and LVMH 

"We are not born a brand, we become one gradually, we can also cease to be one", declared the French communication and marketing specialist, the famous Jean-Noël Kapferer. ☝️ And precisely, as a brand, what is the solution to not cease to exist? How to keep a company's DNA alive over time? How to showcase its roots and history in the service of heritage identity? 💡 In order to clarify all these questions, and because it is by promoting the past that the future can be glimpsed, the We Are COM Club has invited experts in brand heritage. Sandrine Tirante, Brand, Communication and Advertising Manager at LCL, Kristine Drullion, Head of International Corporate Communications at the LVMH group and Michael Murphy, Head of Corporate Heritage and International Communications at Airbus, give you the recipe for a brand heritage that lasts. On the program: Testimony…

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