What are the words of communication in 2023?

Communication is the art of adaptation. The communicator knows that it is by constantly adapting to society that his messages manage to take on meaning, to be embodied in the minds of the recipients. 🤓 Indeed, as the semiology expert, Élodie Laye Mielczareck, says so well, "words reflect the ills of our society". So, what are the words that marked 2022 and what will be the essential expressions of 2023? 🚀 The We Are COM Club went to take a real lesson in semiology from this language specialist, author of Antibullshit, Post-vérité, nudge, storytelling: when words no longer have meaning (And how to remedy it). Hello Élodie, first of all, why is the study of words essential to communication? Words are working tools for communicators, they knead a collective semantic basin. More than anything else, they embody society: its fears,…

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