Mini-fairs for Communication professions We Are COM X ISCOM, present the daily life of communicators. Do you know the creative communication sector? 🤩 In this episode #21, an overview of the artistic direction and writing design professions!
Expert opinion
@Dorine, what is your definition of artistic creation?
Art direction is the art of finding the right strategy visual to transmit in the most adequate way a message to a audience target.
@Jeremy, what is your definition of copywriting?
Copywriting is simply about successfully conceiving ideas and putting the words to them. The copywriter builds the editorial charters, the brand signatures, the hooks, the TV or radio scripts... The tone, in the brand speech, is what makes the difference, what we will like or identify with to a brand.
#1 – Why did you choose the field of creative COM? What was your course ?
Dorine Aucours: I turned to artistic creation somewhat by chance, doing research and participating in open houses. Indeed, this is an area that we are not introduced to in college. I quickly fell in love. Being a relatively introverted person, I immediately appreciated being able to express myself freely through creation.
I then enrolled in Bac Pro Crafts: crafts and visual communication. This training allowed me to do many internships in agencies, which confirmed my career choice. Subsequently, I joined a school in artistic direction and developed several work-study experiences. This gave me the opportunity to go further in discovering the sector and to acquire a slightly more 360° view of the profession.
Jeremy Souede: Like Dorine, it was also a bit by chance that I turned to creative communication. From a very young age, I was fascinated by the funny and original advertisements charts that I could see on television. It was then that the desire to create came to me, keeping the idea that by writing a little nonsense, one could achieve campaigns very nice. Later, in a student lounge, I discovered ISCOM, a school that I joined. It was then that the profession of designer-editor naturally imposed itself on me.
#2 – What are the main differences between the agency and the advertiser?
JS : The big difference is thatin agencies, we are multi-subjects. We work with several advertisers, and therefore follow projects that have fundamentally different issues. Also, I don't know if in theadvertiser there are a lot of copywriters. For my part, I have never worked there. Finally, even if it's a bit cliché, in agency there is a great atmosphere, especially on the creative side.
AD: Indeed, there are few copywriters at the advertiser. In general, artistic direction is still rather rare. As Jeremy says, the real difference is that we only have one client, which is none other than our company. But that in no way alters the variety of our projects. We don't work the same way on campaigns external, internal or even on corporate events.
#3 – Why and for whom would you advise creative COM? What excites you the most?
GIVES : Not easy to choose only one reason. 😊 I would say this is an area that never sleeps. Every day, we discover and learn new things. In creative communication we evolve according to new trends. Also, nothing is taken for granted and you never get bored. Inspiration is everywhere and the possibilities are endless! Whether in technologies, in architecture, in music, in encounters… We constantly feed on all experiences and encounters.
As for quality, it is above all curiosity that is essential. Each project, each issue and each target is different. It is necessary to be and to remain curious in order to better understand the issues and activate the right levers.
JS : We are effectively required to remain extremely open to the world, to trends, to the arts, to new technologies… Without that, we would quickly be left behind and unable to hit our target correctly. So yes, curiosity is essential, you have to be interested in everything and be inspired by everything.
Why would I advise creative communication? Quite simply because these are professions of passion! Every day we have fun finding ideas and proposing new concepts. It is an approach in which we test things and that is particularly stimulating. It happens that a good idea starts from a reflection launched unexpectedly. Then you have to challenge it. Everything is good to take, there are no bad ideas.
I regularly work in pairs with an artistic director. Together, we can take 5 minutes to find the right idea, or break our teeth for several days until we have a revelation. In creative thinking, inspiration is also found in exchange. Teamwork has this very stimulating “ping-pong” effect.
#4 – On a daily basis, what are your missions and challenges? Do you have a typical day?
JS : On a daily basis, our biggest challenge is to satisfy the client, by delivering a project that best meets their problem. Also, I would say that there is no typical day but rather 3 main stages of project monitoring. First, we take the advertiser's brief and look for coherent ideas. Then comes the stage of craft, which consists of designing and shaping the chosen idea. Finally, we present our creative proposal to the client, so that he adheres to it.
The challenge is to succeed in bringing everyone on board when an intuition is close to our hearts. To achieve this, you have to be a good storyteller, know how to bring the idea to life and tell a great story.
GIVES : At the advertiser, the typical day does not exist either. Each project is unique and requires adaptation. The latter also begins with a briefing. Then, in the same dynamic, we begin a monitoring phase, in search of the right idea. It's a big challenge to have to stay inspired and creative every day. While between us, there are undoubtedly days without. 😊
In a second step, we must demonstrate pedagogy with employees, in order to engage them. Creative communication is a field still sometimes misunderstood, the strength of argument is essential.
#5 – Can you tell us about your pride? Do you have any projects to share with us?
GIVES. : I had the chance to integrate CA-GIP when the structure was created. Also, I am most proud of having been able to participate in the visual development of this subsidiary of Crédit Agricole, which we bring to life every day.
As for the projects, they are very varied. You should know that depending on the objective of the communication, the creative strategy will not take the same direction. Here are some examples of projects that illustrate the plurality of our expertise.
For example, on a subject that touches on the transformation of the company, a rather complex and remote subject for employees, we have decided to deliver a schematic message via a series of podcast. It is with a readable message that we can engage the internal.
While concerning the communication of employer brand, that is to say the one which is addressed to our future talents, the communication will want to be more dynamic and playful. To reach young graduates, a hackathon (or programming marathon) was organized. In "DevOps Heroes", the candidates had to take up challenges over the course of a weekend.
Finally, to reach employees, we have set up an internal communication campaign around a sporting and solidarity commitment.. La Course en Cœur supports organ donation. The objective was to make our employees real players in this commitment, while strengthening their pride in belonging to CA-GIP.
JS : A project particularly marked me, #LoveWithoutHate. France Télévision wanted to speak out on cyber harassment through several television series addressing this theme. At the same time, our mission was to find the right activation to raise awareness, a great challenge to take up. Eventually, we decided on a symbol from 2 emojis, so that everyone can raise the alarm on social networks in the event of cyber harassment or when they are witnessed. When we have to deal with quite serious social issues, like this one, and we manage to give them an echo, it gives an immense feeling of pride to see that the public adheres to what we have done. We say to ourselves that we have been a little useful. Communication can make things happen.
#6 – In your opinion, how will communication evolve in the years to come?
GIVES : It seems to me that more and more, the communicators will have to play the role of “facilitators”. Today, everyone communicates everywhere and all the time. To make a difference, you have to demonstrate pedagogy and give the message a certain quality.
Nevertheless, in general, our daily lives will not change. Living according to new trends, we are in perpetual evolution. In creative communication, everything is ultimately a question of timing.
JS : It is very complicated to anticipate the future of communication. Twenty years ago, no communicator thought of setting up partnerships with influencers or content creators. And besides, not even 5 years ago, we all wondered what the metaverse could be used for. Communication and advertising are, above all, reflections of our society. When it evolves, we evolve.
#7 – Do you have any last advice for future communicators?
JS : Don't take yourself for artists! We are more craftsmen, we respond to orders, our artistic freedom is limited to the brief. So, keep this craft side and don't take the big head. Also stay open and curious about everything to make the most of the ideas you find.
AD: Be nimble and stay curious. Keep an open mind and don't be afraid to get started.
Dorine Acours,
Artistic Director at Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform (CA-GIP)
Jeremy Souede,
Copywriter / creative lead in the consulting agency 65dB
Études de cas
🤓 And to go further in our overview of creative communication professions, a look back at some campaigns that marked the We Are COM team.
The case presented by Jeremy
Finally, Jérémy wanted to mention the somewhat special campaign UndercoverAvatar, from the association L'Enfant Bleu. A very special creative communication, to fight against domestic violence against children. 👀 We'll let you watch!