Creativity: what methods to remain efficient?

Didn't the great Albert Einstein say "creativity is intelligence having fun"? 😜 Staying creative means staying inspired, being able to constantly create and recreate new imaginaries, far from preconceived ideas and the already-seen. 🚀 Communicators, where can we find our sources of inspiration? How can we get inspired without plagiarizing? How can we develop our creative techniques? 💡 To find out, the We Are COM Club took a brain gymnastics class with Mathis Chantereau, an expert in strategies on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. Creativity, the challenges of the communicator Creativity has always been closely linked to communication. And today, more than ever, the communicator must face many challenges in terms of creativity, in a world where solicitations are omnipresent. Content continues to multiply on social networks. Did you know that more than a billion stories are shared each…

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