ISCOM On Air: The professions of events, influence and reputation

Were you impatiently waiting for them? Here they are again! 😎 Lmini-trade fairs for communication professions ISCOM x We Are COM returns for another year, always with the same desire to explore the different and exciting sectors of communicating
🌟 But this year, new! Our round tables have transformed into real broadcasts. ISCOM On Air is coming, with fun and impactful content: sidewalk microphones, new decryptions, on-board cameras, favorite sections...
Inspiring overview of the professions of event communication, reputation andinfluence alongside our experts Patrice Bégay et Jean-Michel Lhomme, followed by a full replay to continue discovering behind the scenes of this dynamic and creative universe in 45 minutes Top time!

Patrice Bégay,

President at JALPB Conseils


Jean-Michel Lhomme,

Founder of the 360° communications agency, 25 October



What definition would you give to event and influence communication?

Patrice Begay: Communication is above all and above all about people. Events and influence are forms of creation, which invariably revolve around a backbone, that of the human.

Who says human, says sincerity et authenticity. Also, the network cannot be bought, it develops. This is called sustainable innovation.

Jean-Michel Lhomme: Communication is a lot of creativity and a lot of work. Even more so in events, since the smallest detail, no matter how small, can impact the progress of an event.

It’s an exciting job where innovation and points of contact are exponential.. Creativity remains and will remain the best way to make yourself known and differentiate yourself to gain notoriety.

# Achievements

Can you tell us about your pride: projects and achievements that have marked you?

JM. L. : What may seem quite paradoxical is that one of the projects I am most proud of is undoubtedly the one that worked the least well. 😊 This is a campaign carried out to promote the solidarity practice of hanging coffee. We decided to design this communication in opensource format, so that everyone can use it and make their contribution. Even if the response was not what we hoped for, I remain proud of this achievement.

More recently, and more on the events side, we supported the Olympic Torch Relay in Paris. I have rarely finished a project so tired, the pressure was tough, but the pleasure was always there.

BP: I would say that the greatest pride of my career as a communicator concerns the human aspect. It is essential to always surround yourself with inspiring figures, to always be involved in transmission. I have always strived, wherever I have had the chance to practice, to enable the women and men I have met to realize their dreams, to realize their lives.

And if I had to tell you about a project, in a more concrete way, I would choose the creation of France 24. This project which contributed to the influence of France, and which was able to establish its flag in more than 40 countries in less than 6 years.

#Time for debate

Why did you choose this branded COM sector? Tell us about your motivations and your background!

BP: The flame that animates me is once again the humanity of our professions, the possibility of collectively carrying out human projects.

During my career, I had the opportunity to take part in human adventures, and this since their beginnings. I am thinking in particular of the Eating the Heart. In 1985, my meeting with Coluche and the implementation of this solidarity project marked my life. I am also thinking of the creation and launch of the Eurosport channel, which has now become international, supporting France Telecom in its first steps towards the Internet or even France 24.

Later, at BPI France, I had the chance to support entrepreneurs in achieving their dreams. Ultimately, above all, communication is about creating accelerators and communities.

Our job is truly fascinating, it is that of permanent innovation and human innovation. Communication is the biggest challenge in business, that of investment and value creation.

JM. L. : Indeed, the key to everything is people. En communication, adventures are fundamentally collective. And if I don't have difficulty getting up in the morning, it's because this job is a job of passion.

Our fundamental role is to allow humans to communicate with each other, to build a brand embodiment together. In other words, the brand itself becomes humanized through contact with communicators. I am convinced that the substance, that of collective reflection, is at least as important as the form, even if many only see the final result in our profession.

What are your daily missions and challenges? Do you have a typical day?

JM. L. : My missions are numerous and varied. The real question would be how many of them did I manage to accomplish at the end of the day. 😊 In general? Not all !

The first thing to do in the communications sector is to understand. Understand the world and its changes by reading the press, listening to the radio… by being interested in everything. To anticipate tomorrow's trends, it is essential to cultivate curiosity, which sometimes pushes us to look into new things, which we never thought we would one day be interested in. Before being in contact with societies, the communicator is in contact with THE society.

At the same time, our functions are also those of an entrepreneur. We have to manage and develop projects, with our clients, our partners, our collaborators and our investors. My belief? Our job is not so much to provide the right answers as to ask the right questions.

What do you think will be the future of communication? What major changes will the profession face?

BP: I'm convinced that the future of communication will be more immersive, more interactive and more personalized. Our ways of consuming information have changed. A few years ago, all households gathered around the 20 p.m. television news, whereas today, information is gathered almost everywhere. New generations consume them in a more personal and more targeted way.

In this sense, It seems to me that generative artificial intelligence will bring a lot to the future of our professions. Certainly, many positions will disappear. However, many others will emerge, with new missions of trust. And isn’t trust the fuel for growth?


Do you have any recommendations in terms of culture: legendary advertisements, literature, cinema, etc.?

BP: My favorite part of communication is simply life. Life made of values, closeness, optimism, simplicity and will.

If I had to illustrate my words with a campaign, it would be the incredible song by Coluche, which accompanied the launch of his association, Les Restos du Cœur.

JM. L. : Of them communication campaigns have particularly struck me in recent years.

On the one hand, great opportunities lie in It was Audi that caught my attention with its “The Keys” advertising spot.. It was in the 90s that the German brand developed this campaign of quite incredible strategic accuracy. It is certainly the cheapest advertising ever produced in the automotive world, and yet certainly one of the most effective.

On the other hand, do you remember the television spots written by Alain Chabat for Orangina? This series of “completely crazy” advertisements reminds us that creativity is limitless and that the field of possibilities always remains to be explored.


ISCOM On Air: the replay!

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