The imaginations of tomorrow's communication

Communicators, let's dare to open the door of a real “cabinet of curiosities”, to discover the societal trends that impact and explain the evolution of brand discourse. “Archives of the future” which question us about our relationships with truth, technology and authenticity. You have understood, like every year, the We Are COM Club had the chance to welcome Elodie Mielczareck, semio-linguist specializing in verbal and non-verbal language. Let's explore together the depths of our collective unconscious and our societal imaginations. Ready for a lesson in semiotics applied to communication? Shall we take stock? What is imagination? It is a useful indicator for anticipation and apprehension of the world that we will have to face tomorrow, and all that it will involve. Absolute truth does not exist, however, being interested in words and changes in language offers avenues for understanding these future realities. Let’s explore…

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