Employer Brand: the hidden camera from Mazars

employer brand: the hidden camera of mazars

Trap your colleagues? Hey why not?! When it comes to employer branding, the consulting firm Mazars breaks the rules and fools its employees using a hidden camera. That was all it took to arouse our curiosity. During a We Are COM Club workshop dedicated to good practices in employer branding, we had the chance to speak with Manon Manzanares, HR communications and employer brand manager at Mazars. Deciphering an original and authentic recruitment strategy. Manon, before we get to the heart of the matter, could you tell us about the context and recruitment challenges at Mazars? Manon Manzanares: At Mazars, an auditing and consulting firm, we cannot rely on our image in the way that consumer brands do. Indeed, how can we talk about employer branding when we are absent from points of sale? Mazars is the 5th French firm…

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