ISCOM On Air: Digital communication professions

digital communication ISCOM ON AIR
Ready to explore a universe in perpetual motion, each new technology of which revolutionizes our ways of communicating? Ready to discover the issues, opportunities and challenges of the professions in the digital communication ?
🤖 ISCOM On Air makes you discover the professions of communicating digital alongside experts Mélody Leroux and Pierre Stelmaszyk.

Mélody LerouxMélody Leroux,

Responsible for agency development On Ze Air


Pierre StelmaszykPierre Stelmaszyk

Founding Director of the agency One thing to say



What definition would you give to digital communication?

Melody Leroux: Digital communication is a vast sector. Contrary to popular belief, the professions and expertise that constitute this universe are multiple. Like all communication professions, this requires a good dose of creativity. The particularity is that it is expressed through channels digital.

More concretely, digital marketing is all the digital levers available to a company to reach its core target: SEO, social media,influence... We contribute to the image and digital presence of a brand, to increase awareness and engagement.

We exercise a fascinating profession, constantly changing, where We must adapt to new practices and new uses on a daily basis. This learning is extremely enriching.

Pierre Stelmaszyk: Communication and even more digital communication and marketing are professions of the present and the future. Be careful, however, not to reduce these sectors solely to influence or social media, these include many other areas of expertise.

Digital communication is above all strategic, it can serve both internally and externally, it can be deployed in a sober manner according to company standards. Report, it can be creative, but also technical or graphic, it is measured with data… You will have understood, digital communication is a vast ecosystem, it feeds on everything and is aimed at everyone.

The term digital simply provides clarification on the digital channels that we use to address our targets.

# Achievements

Can you tell us about your pride: projects and achievements that have marked you?

P. S: Recently our communications agency supported the company Engie Solutions France in an extraordinary recruitment campaign. If I choose to address this pride, it is because this human adventure required a year of collaboration and investment from the teams.

The problem? Following a merger of several structures of the Engie Group, the Engie Solutions entity was born. However, all coming from different backgrounds and professions, the employees of this subsidiary did not perceive their missions and, more generally, their company, through the same prism.

It's for restore coherence in the discourse and so that each employee is able to present Engie Solutions, according to the same ins and outs, that the company chose to use our services.

To begin with, we decided to work on content audiovisuals, a series of video capsules, produced in partnership with the influencer specializing in human resources, Uncle Karim. In each mini-film, the latter took on the role of a candidate for employment at Engie Solutions, who did not really know what world he was entering. It was while going up the floors, in the elevator and on the way to his job interview that various employees introduced him to the company, its purpose and its values. We look !

These capsules, with a very simple pitch and very concise explanations, constituted a real lever of understanding and pride for employees. Also, by carrying out an engaging internal campaign, we finally reached a wider audience, an external audience, particularly via social networks. It is fascinating to observe the repercussions that a the countryside impactful, broadcast on appropriate digital channels.

This is also the magic of digital : the constant evolution of things and the adaptability of a universe where nothing is fixed in place or time.

LM: At ON ZE AIR, we work on a wide range of projects, expressing diverse expertise.

Music first, with the Star Academy. 😊 Digital communication is a shadow profession, which brings visibility, without ever being talked about. Recently, we supported the television show in their social media deployment. Our teams worked almost day and night at the creation of original and tailor-made content for social networks. In the live world, you never rest. Eventually, we allow Internet users to continue to experience the Star Academy adventure beyond the bonuses.

On the sports side, it is Bet Sport who used our services with the aim of enriching their speaking engagements. We particularly supported them in the creation and distribution of motion design videos on digital channels. When I talk about digital channels, the range is wide: YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch… but also digital displays at points of sale.

On the cinema side, we produce a lot of content: videos, interviews, sidewalk microphones, etc. to promote news and offers from the streaming platform TV5MONDEplus.

Finally, the last pride that I will address concerns Free Ligue 1 Uber Eats. How can we deconstruct stubborn prejudices around Ligue 1? By producing a motion design web series on football.

#Time for debate

Why did you choose this sector of digital COM? Tell us about your motivations and your background!

P. S: After my baccalaureate, I joined a DUT “Communication network”, with the desire to learn to code and therefore to create websites. At the time, we weren't talking about applications or social networks. In addition to coding, this training taught me to communicate in the broad sense and in particular to improve my skills in audiovisual production.

It was by discovering the communications sector that my passion for the message was born. Coding is ultimately just a tool, a skill at the service of the message. The message is the result of a whole fascinating strategy. After this revelation, I switched to training in general communication, then specializing in digital communication.

By launching into the world of work, I had acquired a fairly 360 vision of the sector and its multiple components, from the development of the strategy, to its media and non-media deployment. Communication is a science that offers the possibility of continuing to train and evolve throughout one's career.

LM: Unlike Pierre, my journey is absolutely not linear. Since initially, my wish was to move into press relations and evolve in the world of luxury and beauty. Remember that a career is never mapped out, it is built through encounters and opportunities.

After experience in internal communications at L'Oreal, I was successively a digital consultant for the SNCF and to the French Games. My missions then related to pure digital, functional and technical specifications.

It was little by little that I slipped into the exciting world of COM agencies, first in digital marketing, then in 360° communication., before joining ON ZE AIR. On a daily basis, I use everything I have learned. It is by taking advantage of each of our experiences that we can be able to provide our clients with the most complete range of expertise.

Mélody, you live in Normandy and work in a Parisian communications agency, how do you organize your daily life? What is your typical day?

M.L: Organization, everything is a question of organization. So I oscillate between teleworking in Normandy, a practice conducive to calm and concentration, and open spaces and customer meetings in Paris, to rediscover this creative emulation of sharing and meeting.

More and more, communication professions, and more generally lifestyles, are nomadic. And to manage to juggle all these components, organization is undoubtedly the key.

In other words, I take advantage of the tranquility of Normandy to move forward on substantive issues and I take advantage of the excitement of Paris to exchange, share and have lunch. Yes, customer lunch is also part of the job, and it's not its most unpleasant aspect. 😊

Pierre, what advice would you give to communicators and future communicators who listen to you?

PS: Be curious! It is essential to be interested in everything, in all expertise, in all professions. The communicator must carry out daily monitoring work, observing what is happening around him and elsewhere, even among the competition. You must also be curious about his customers. Who are they ? What universe are they navigating in? How can we best support them?

If our job is so fascinating, it is because it constantly develops our curiosity, about trends, media, techniques, issues and more generally about people.

I will end by saying that open-mindedness, it is also and above all questioning. Never believe you have arrived. In communication, everything is questioned and re-invented.


LM: The latest campaign to date that caught my attention and aroused my curiosity wast an advertisement for the Syndicat Général des Vignerons de Champagne, a collective also called Champagne de Vignerons. To promote their know-how and their products, they have created a very beautiful film, accompanied by a slam text on a piano piece by the French composer, Sofiane Pamart.

This spot represents everything I love about communication: the rhythmic, and sometimes counter-current, alliance of pretty images and pretty words.

PS: Older, the campaign I am thinking of is the daring activation of French-language books, Bescherelle. While new AI and its uses raise more and more questions, the brand has decided to play with words on ChatGPT. The idea? Explore the limits of this generative AI by offering it two-way prompts. A campaign that breaks the rules, bouncing off current events, to the delight of observers. Here is an exerpt.

ISCOM On Air: the replay!

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