At We Are COM, we love to project ourselves into the future to anticipate the major developments in our profession. So the team had fun asking ChatGPT a fairly simple (but fascinating) question: what will communication look like in 2050? Spoiler alert: we're talking about conscious AI, augmented reality and blockchain. But not only that! Because beyond futuristic tech, ethics, transparency and human relations remain at the heart of the issues. So, without further ado, we'll take you on an exploration of communication in 25 years, where innovation rhymes with moral dilemmas (no less!) 🔮 🤖 ChatGPT 4o "It's 2050, and the profession of communicator has profoundly evolved under the influence of technological advances, social changes and ever-increasing expectations in terms of transparency and ethics. Let's explore some bolder scenarios that could shake up the profession of communicator.…