AI, a gadget for communicators? Not really. During our last We Are COM Club Workshop, Baptiste Roynette, Head of Brand at MeilleursTaux, shared his feedback on the very real use of AI for creating visuals and enriching their image bank. Between saving time, optimizing resources and personalization, AI is establishing itself as a strategic ally. But be careful, it's not all that simple. At the same time, the We Are COM team deciphered the challenges posed by AI in business and presented other promising use cases. Here we go! 🤖 Hello Baptiste, to start, can you introduce MeilleursTaux and your challenges in terms of content creation? MeilleursTaux is a marketplace for financial products whose purpose is to enable French people to save money. For 25 years, we have been supporting our clients in their credit, investment, savings, insurance, etc.
How Communicators Use AI in Business? Testimony and Challenges