The 10 Commandments of the Catchy Phrase

The 10 Commandments of the Catchy Phrase

Have you ever seen one of your readers yawn wildly at the first sentence of your introduction? No? Maybe he's already yawning. to your contents… Are you still there??? 🤓 Yes, capturing attention from the first line is an art! For those who are still following us, the team We Are COM reveals his 10 formidable tips for a catchy line that rocks! Ready to take your readers hostage?

💥 Here is The 10 Sacred Commandments of Copywriters, to captivate audiences instantly.  

#1 – An intriguing question, you will ask 

The question has two advantages. On the one hand, it arouses curiosity. On the other hand, it challenges the reader. Yes, this is the command that the team chose to start this article. 🙂 But be careful, to avoid scrolling, This question must absolutely intrigue your targets.   

Because we're nice, we'll give you another example of an interrogative hook: " How to make your content more captivating than a kitten video on the internet? » So, does that intrigue you?  

#2 – You will release surprising data 

To hit the mark, there's nothing like a striking piece of data, a shocking figure, a well-placed statistic! The advantage of sourced data? Beyond surprising, it brings you credibility, it is proof that your content is truly informed.  

Tickle your readers by asking them: « Did you know that 80% of people will never finish this article? » Besides, doesn't that make you want to find out what only 20% of readers learn?  

#3 – You will play on emotions 

Emotion speaks to the heart, and in this it constitutes an unparalleled lever to captivate. So touch the reader, whether it be through inspiring anecdotes, a little dose of humor or by suggesting images, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.  

« What if your content suddenly became as captivating as a good novel, as delightful as a reading break by the fire? " or vice versa " Are you tired of writing content that never gets read? How long will you continue to publish without success? » 

#4 – You will use storytelling 

Telling a story is about making your content more accessible. Just like playing with emotion, playing with reader identification pays off. By opting for storytelling from your introduction, you are unconsciously preparing the reader to receive the information that follows with kindness, he will be better able to understand them and therefore memorize them.  

« Just two days ago, I was staring at this blank page… until I discovered the ultimate technique! » or even « « I remember this reader who one day said to me: 'Your article is really great, it's a shame that no one reads it to the end.' It was an electroshock... ».  

#5 – You will favor lists and numbers 

« The 7 techniques for this "," The 5 mistakes for this”, « The to-do list for thing » … And why not " The 10 Commandments of the Catchy Phrase » ? 😉 Nothing like a clear promise as a hook to generate interest. Not only does this text form catch the reader's eye, but it also announces easy to digest content.

#6 – You will bet on simplicity 

Simplicity and clarity are the watchwords! A short sentence, which eliminates any possible confusion, is invariably more impactful than a long-winded monologue. Be direct: " Stop wasting time, here's how! " End of this command.

#7 – You will choose action verbs 

Action verbs are powerful, they have the power to energize content, creating a sense of movement, of progression, especially when you use them in the imperative, by appealing to your readers. But what are these magic verbs to favor? Boost, reinforce, capture, exceed, multiply, etc.  

#8 – You will awaken curiosity  

A bold promise arouses curiosity and attention by suggesting a reward. Show readers that you are offering them a solution, an incredible tip, a well-kept secret., which they will not regret knowing. Master the art of the hook in just minutes and turn your introductions into clickbait. »  

The We Are COM team sincerely hopes that its commandments will keep their promise. 

#9 – You will adopt a conversational tone 

The reader is your friend, don't forget that! Lighten the mood by addressing your audience in a friendly and conniving manner. A friendly conversation Isn't she more engaging and easy to follow than an academic lecture?  

« Are you sick of the first blank line? Me too, until I discover… ", it's still nicer than " The aim of this text is to examine the Recommended methods to improve attention capture from the beginning of an article » no ? 

 #10 – You will leave suspense 

And to finish, create irresistible suspense. The suspense encourages you to continue, incites you to reader to go further to find out more. How to do it? By leaving a sentence unfinished, by formulating a somewhat vague promise… Example: “ This little trick might just be what you're missing to captivate... » 


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