At We Are COM, we are convinced, e-mailing is like coffee! Too bland, it puts you to sleep, too strong, it annoys. 😉
When it comes to email strategy, it only takes one false note to ruin the chances of engagement of a promising campaign. What are the mistakes you should stop making? How to keep your emails from the trash and oblivion? ❌ Here are the 7 emailing faux pas to banish from all your future emails communication strategies.
#1: The segmentation misstep
Ignoring segmentation of your contact list can be fatal to your audience engagement. You need to think customization, distinguish the different profiles of the recipients you wish to reach and adapt the content you offer them.
Age, occupation, location, interests, purchase history… The more you segment your mailing lists, the more your messages will impact your targets with relevance. 🎯
#2: The Object Misstep
An eye-catching email subject line can boost open rates and therefore engagement. Conversely, a flat subject line or generic title can send your content straight to the trash.
A punchy object is a short, clear and engaging object. You need to arouse curiosity, to generate interest and urgency. Be careful though, too many promotional terms could make your email look like spam in the eyes of algorithms… ????
#3: The mobile faux pas
We can never say it enough! When you develop campaigns of digital communication, think about all users, including those who view your content from their smartphone.
So, adapt the display of your emails to mobiles, optimize the readability of your texts and the size of your visuals. In short, ensure the responsiveness of your email campaigns, a successful user experience drastically reduces the risk of unsubscription.
#4: The CTA Misstep
Perhaps the most dangerous misstep on this list: failing to guide recipients toward action. Your call-to-action must be visible, attractive and explicit.
“I enjoy, I buy, I register, I download…” clearly guide the Internet user and their decision-making towards conversion. Finally, we can only advise you to place your CTA in a strategic location, and why not make it appear in several strategic locations.
#5: The timing faux pas ⏰
The watchword is " balance ". In order not to harm the commitment of your hearings, your requests should be neither too rare nor too frequent.
For this purpose, there is no miracle recipe, You need to get to know your recipients, analyze their reactions, continue to test different rhythms and constantly adjust the cadence of your emails. In the same way, before scheduling reminders, study the behavior of your audiences.
In other words, finding the right balance and engaging your subscribers without tiring them out is a long-term job, but it's worth it!
#6: The customization faux pas
Neglecting personalization gives the impression of a mass message. So don't hesitate to use all the information at your disposal to offer your audiences personalized messages. For example, you can address them directly, addressing them by their first name, you can adapt your content based on a customer or user history, etc.
The important thing is that the Internet user thinks that the email received was designed just for him. ❤️
#7: The analysis misstep
And when it's over, there's more. Once your email campaign has been sent out and relaunched, consider analyzing its results : opening rate, click-through rate, engagements, conversions, shares…
A careful study of the performance of your actions will allow you to adjust your future strategies to the changing expectations of your audiences. So never forget that neglecting performance indicators is a sure way to repeat the same mistakes..