Employer brand: the truth comes out of the mouths of children, or not…
When it comes to recruitment, why not give voice to real future talents; namely the children? ☺ This is Onepoint’s good idea….
When it comes to recruitment, why not give voice to real future talents; namely the children? ☺ This is Onepoint’s good idea….
What has happened in the merciless world of social media in recent months? What new features does the connected world have in store for us? Yes,…
With its global reach, precise targeting capabilities, and ability to drive meaningful engagement, Facebook Ads offers businesses of all...
The We Are COM team is convinced that creativity is infinite. 🤓 And Maya Angelou, eminent American woman of letters, is going…
The We Are COM Club invites you to travel, a journey from global to local. 🌍 What communication strategies to put in place, how…
Communicating on a global scale means deploying a global system on a local scale. Easier said than done ? Not necessarily, if we…
Ah digital sobriety… Yes in principle, but in practice? 💡 Between our filled email boxes, continuous messages, virtual meetings...
The We Are COM Club focused on new artificial intelligence tools. For a general retrospective of these new technologies, applied to…
AI has been talked about for a while now. Everyone is talking about it, of course. 🤖 But who really feels up to date on this news...
Does the regime of influence obey any regulations? Objection! 🤚 The Delaporte-Vojetta bill brings order to all this. At the house of…