Jobs in creative communication - Episode # 15 The We Are COM X ISCOM communication mini-fairs show you the daily life of communicators. In this episode #15, let's look at the professions of…
The professions of political and public communication – episode #14 The We Are COM X ISCOM communication professions mini-fairs introduce you to the professions of public and political communication. Here we go for this episode...
Jobs in digital communication - Episode # 8 We Are COM X ISCOM mini-fairs for Communication professions reveal the path and daily life of communicators. Discover the little ones ...
Jobs in digital communication - Episode # 4 🚀 We Are COM X ISCOM mini-fairs for Communication professions reveal the path and daily life of communicators. Overview…
Customer communication professions - Episode # 2 The We Are COM x ISCOM mini-trade shows, by videoconference, tell you all about the journey and daily life of communicators….