A cross-history of media and advertising with Jacques Attali

🇫🇷 French Version The We Are COM team has interviewed Jacques Attali 🤗 Not only a famous graduate of ENA and Polytechnique, he’s the founder of 4 international institutions (Action against hunger, EUREKA, the EBRD and Positive Planet), and he has also authored over 1,000 editorials for French magazine L’Express and over 80 books. These days he’s an editorialist for the daily paper Les Echos.Having just released his latest book, Histoires des Médias : des signaux de fumée aux réseaux sociaux, et après (Media Stories: from smoke signals to social media and thereafter), Jacques Attali shared with us his analyses on yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s media landscape. We Are COM is happy to share this wonderful encounter to help professional communicators navigate the new stakes advertisers are facing inside this ever-mutating media ecosystem. Let’s rewind a bit first – before we jump into the future!  🤓 First of all, Jacques Attali,…

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