🇫🇷 French VersionAfter a real Masterclass in the We Are COM Club and our #1 article “Why Semiology is Essential to Communication,” about the psychological processes intrinsic to any communicative act, you’re probably a semiotic expert by now! 🚀 However, what are the ways in which this linguistic – and more – science applies to our professional lives as communicators? What are its new uses? What are the latest signs or words? Renowned semiologist Élodie Mielczareck tells us more about flawless communication. Ready? 🤗Could you briefly remind us of the steps involved in a semiotic method?First of all, let’s remember that semiology is interested in all types of signs: whether they’re written, heard, non-verbal or symbolic. Intentional or unintentional.Language is a sign system expressing ideas, and because of this, it’s comparable to writing, the sign language alphabet, symbolic rites, rules of etiquette, military signs, etc. It’s only the most important…
Communicate Better With Semiology!